Posted by: San Damiano | August 25, 2013

O Holy Trinity

O Holy Trinity, all praise to You
One in three, not fully grasping
Deeper faith I am asking.

O Holy Trinity, all praise to You
One in three encircle me
My center ever be.

O Holy Trinity, all praise to You
One in three, bless us all
And keep us from a fall.

O Holy Trinity, all praise to You
One in three, breath of love
Breathe in me from above.

O Holy Trinity, all praise to You
One in Three, our path enlighten
Our sparks of love brighten.

O Holy Trinity, all praise to You
One in three, Your love we share
With the Church and all who care.

O Holy Trinity, all praise to You
One in three, sanctify our being
So one day, YOU, we will be seeing.

Sr. La Donna Pinkelman, OSF


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