Posted by: San Damiano | August 15, 2015

Choose To Proclaim

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...

Choose, choose, choose, and proclaim.
Proclaim Christ in thought, word and deed.
He leads one to live each day in His LOVE.
What a difference it makes in attitude and action.
Surprises accompany loving hearts.

Choose, choose, choose, and proclaim.
Proclaim with wisdom and actions,
to a hungry world in need of kind hearts.
Working with Christ at the center,
shines further then we may realize.

Choose, choose, choose, and proclaim.
Proclaim Christ’s Goodness to you
by greeting all, with LOVE HIMSELF.
Looking beyond the looks, to the deeper person,
who desires our care and God’s love in us.

Choose, choose, choose, and proclaim.
Seek His love and deeper companionship,
as you pray and simply bring Christ life
to a hungry friend, family, and neighborhood.
He rewards our choice for Him, our desire to be used by Him in a closer walk and outreach.

Sr. La Donna M. Pinkelman, OSF.

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